This is 1/3 the size of normal bus in china.

It has 6 cameras that gives it a 360 prospective of the road. With all that technology in it, there is an absence of driver seat, steering column, level 4 autonomous to you in short.

Having said that, fastening a seat belt is mandatory. To make one feel better after that, it has voice controlled controls like air conditioner, lights. Also has a large screen inside that shows what the bus sees and other vitals of the vehicle.

The A.I in the vehicle also collects data from LiDAR for pedestrian monitoring and proximity alert. 

This also is connected with a mesh of signals, that gives access to data like, signal stop for how much time, which stop has more commuters in it. This ride is currently 12 kilometers long (3 bus stops) and limited to the 5G connectivity. Not to just end it there, even the ticket is paperless and work withbones mobile phone.

            - Tathagat banerjee


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