
Showing posts from October, 2019

The World's First 3D printed Diamond Composite

This innovation by Sandvik. The World's first 3D printed diamond composite with perfect structure and characteristics. This composite does not sparkle but it will be useful in future for industrial application and space program.  Sandvik has developed a proprietary process for print (3D print) diamond's complex shapes. Now it is possible, we can shape material to 3D print. This 3D print diamond is composite layer by layer with slurry containing diamond power and polymer.  Proper dense also required for composite diamond. Watch scientist's experience here -

Organic Light-Emitting Diode

OLED . How can it be the new Normal in display tech. LED screens are quite famous these days. The next big things is OLED ( Organic LE Dioxide).  The difference, a LED screen requires a light source and several filters for it to generate and image as shows in the image below. OLED does no need all that since the source of light is also the final focus point fie the image to form. The benifit if this, almost every screen can be thin, as in your latest mobile phone. Place that beside your LED screen and you can begin to see the difference. Now let's raise things to one level higher. When the OLED screen is not displaying anything it is transparent. This give it the same see through effect of a glass.  Now, using this property, we can fit this on any spectacle glasses and you have a heads up display. So in near future, you can order your spectacle with built in OLED.